Midwest iCrate
Med/L: 36-in L x 24-in W x 27-in HCrate training is absolutely the fastest, safest and best way to house train your puppy. I’ll quickly address the folks that feel a crate is mean or somehow “jail-like”. Let me start by saying dogs have no concept of prison or jail. If properly introduced and utilized, a crate speeds up the puppy training and eases the work and yes, sometimes frustration, new owners feel when they first bring their puppy home.
The crate, or as we refer to it in the SoFlo household, “Your Bed”, is not and should never be a punishment. The crate and the use in your home takes advantage of your puppy’s natural “denning” instinct that still exists after domestication. You want your puppy to feel safe in their crate. Always provide a safe chew toy – I recommend a kong or gumabone – two of my favorite crate toys.
This starts as soon as the puppy arrives home. Leave the crate door open, put a blanket, towel or soft area for the pup to lay on. Place the gumabone and kong toy inside and just let your pup explore the area and find the crate.
Now, here’s the number one trick, more of a rule really. During the first week, if you are not absolutely on-top of your pup – take the puppy out and place him or her in their crate.
Mendota Slip Lead
Choose your color and make sure to select it in 3/8 x 6 ft.These leads are the type we use with the puppies and they will have already been on this type of lead. We will show you how it works as it’s important it’s not a “choke” lead, it’s more like a harness for a dog.